Maturity at Its Finest | Pappas Miron Design

There’s something about the simplicity in juxtaposition achieved by mixed styles and textures that has a well traveled and educated character in this Greenwich Village living room by Pappas Miron Design.

Textile colors on the floor and furniture bring us back to a specific time and vibe, and their softness plays off the fine art touches, while their lines play off the more energetic art. Minimal accent choices also pair with the art, providing anchors so that nothing clashes. The elements live in a harmonious balance which allows one to focus on each piece while recognizing its differences from the rest.

There’s a strong sense of maturity to this space, grounded by an earthy green Turkish Oushak carpet with a lovely array of pink and blue accents. It’s rigid vines of floral bursts adding a warm and energetic touch that plays so nicely with the colors and textures of the sofa and chairs.

Well played Pappas Miron, well played.

Here’s some green Oushaks to enjoy:

You can also check the full collection of Oushaks here, or give us a hollar with your specific needs and we’ll do the searching for you.

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